

FiT has a clearly documented quality administrative and records management system in place to secure the accuracy, integrity and currency of records, to keep documentation up-to-date and to secure any confidential information obtained by FiT and committees, individuals or organisations acting on its behalf.

Data is collected and stored in accordance with the processes outlined in this document and FiT record management procedures ensure timely and accurate records inform the continuous improvement processes of FiT. In addition, these records management procedures will ensure that all documentation providing evidence of compliance to the essential standards of registration is accurately maintained.

Record-keeping procedures

FiT has a clearly documented quality administrative and records management system in place to secure the accuracy, integrity and currency of records, to keep documentation up-to-date and to secure any confidential information obtained by FiT and committees, individuals or organisations acting on its behalf.

Upon enrolment, student’s details will be entered into the FiT database system. This process initiates the establishment of the student’s individual file which is then used to record all future details pertaining to the client. The file is retained by FiT and management of the file will be in accordance with the FiT training records policy.

FiT is committed to maintaining the accuracy, integrity and currency of all student files, as well as ensuring appropriate security of all records to uphold confidentiality and protect student privacy.

Complete assessments

Each and every assessment submitted by a student will be retained for a minimum period of six (6) months. At the expiration of six (6) months period, the student’s assessments will be scanned and stored electronically for thirty (30) years.

When in paper format, student’s work will be filed according to the competency/unit number, competency/unit cluster or alphabetically according to the students’ names. Individual student records will be stored in a lockable steel filing cabinet in a locked secure office area. If the files are stored in a location where student or public access is possible, the cabinets will remain locked.

For ease of application and consistency, a similar filing process will be used for electronic files. The electronic records are stored utilising AVETMISS compliant software and access is restricted by a password system.

User choice trainees

FiT maintains assessment evidence completed by each trainee for each unit of competency for a period of seven (7) years from the date of the expiration or termination of the VET PQS agreement.

Results of assessment records

Student assessment results will be recorded electronically within the FiT database system. This information may be used to provide annual competency completion reports and/or AVETMISS reports, as required.

  • Sufficient information to re-issue the testamur, if required, will be retained.
  • Results of assessment will be retained for thirty (30) years.


FiT ensures further security of records by complying with the storage requirements detailed in ASQA’s general directive: retention requirements for completed student assessment items, 22 June 2012. This directive includes requirements for storage including safeguards against unauthorised access, fire, flood, termites or any other pests, and to ensure that copies of records can be produced if the originals are destroyed or inaccessible. FiT enhances its compliance with this directive by protecting electronic files with up-to-date virus protection, firewall and spyware protection software.

The data management system is cloud-based and offers the security and integrity expected of a reputable Cloud storage system.

FiT software and hard copy systems will retain student’s results for a period of no less than thirty (30) years. If requested, enrolment information, training and assessment information or results of assessment will be provided in electronic format wherever possible.

Paper-based records will be scanned and saved in Adobe PDF format. Paper records will be securely shredded every twelve (12) months in accordance with FIT CEO directions.

A copy of each testamur issued is scanned and retained in Adobe PDF format. If requested, the testamur may be re-printed at any time within the thirty (30) year period after issue. This method ensures the original format, design, signature, date and units of competency are re-printed accurately and with a minimum of effort and expense.

The database system is used and data/files/records are converted and saved in Adobe PDF format. FiT has chosen Adobe PDF because research indicates this software will be able to be opened and read for up to thirty (30) years.

Ceasing operation

In the event that FiT ceases to operate, its records will be transferred to ASQA in the appropriate format and detail as specified by the Department at the time of ceasing RTO operations.

All other records including training records, taxation records, business and commercial records will be retained for a period of at least seven (7) years.

FiT will ensure that any confidential information acquired by the business, individuals, or committees or organisations acting on its behalf is securely stored.

Access to records

FiT has implemented a record management system that ensures that all students have access to accurate information regarding their learning in a timely fashion. To ensure this, employees are informed of their responsibilities for record-keeping and the process is monitored through the continuous improvement process and improved where necessary. This section outlines the data management procedures that support this records management system.

Access to student records

Access to individual student training records will be limited to those required by the Standards for RTOs 2015, such as:

  • Trainers and assessors to access and update the records of the students whom they are working
  • Management staff as required to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the
  • Officers of ASQA or their representatives for activities required under the Standards for RTO’s 2015.

FiT trainers and assessors will maintain accurate and current records of each student’s progress and achievement of competencies in the area of their study. These records will be entered on the FiT database system during training and assessment or immediately at the completion of training and assessment.

As students complete each competency, the trainer or assessor will check the achievements against the relevant qualification packaging rules and sign off successfully completed competencies.

All details of full or partially completed competencies will be recorded and stored on the student’s file.

Upon completion of all relevant competencies within a qualification, the student will be entitled to receiving the full qualification. The certificate and academic record and / or statement of attainment will be produced and signed by FIT management, trainer and / or assessor, and presented to the student.

A scanned electronic copy of all signed qualifications issued will be converted to PDF format and secured in the student’s file.

Student access to records

Students have the right to request information about or have access to their own individual records. FiT trainers and assessors or administration staff will provide the requested information or access. Students also have the right to request a hard copy of their own individual file that can be supplied as a printout from records retained within the data management system.

You should feel free to ask your FiT trainer and assessor or administration staff at any time for a printout of your progress.


FiT considers student privacy to be of utmost importance and will practice a high standard of care and concern in regard to maintaining student privacy in all aspects of business operations. Any persons external to the organisation acting on behalf of FiT are made aware of the confidentiality procedures and privacy policies prior to commencing work with FiT.

FiT will comply with all legislative requirements including the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and Australian Privacy Principles (2014). The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Privacy Amendment Act) made many significant changes to the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). These changes commenced on 12 March 2014. The Privacy Regulation 2013, made under the Privacy Act, also commenced on 12 March 2014.

FiT ensures no student information is disclosed without the student’s consent, except as required by law or in adherence to the Standards for RTOs 2015. Student consent must be obtained in writing from the student, unless the student is under the age of 18 years, in which case written consent from their parent or guardian must be obtained. Consent to disclosure of information forms and/or letters will be recorded.

Recognition of qualifications of another RTO

FiT will recognise all Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications and statements of attainment issued by any other RTO. If any ambiguity is detected when validating a student’s certification, FiT will seek verification from the relevant RTO before recognising the qualification or statement of attainment.

Procedure for recognition of qualifications

Students enrolling with FiT will be made aware of the recognition of qualifications policy by FiT staff at the time of enrolment to offer the opportunity of recognition of relevant qualifications or statements of attainment prior to the commencement of training. FiT trainers will remind students of the policy progressively throughout the duration of their course.

When a student presents an AQF qualification or statement of attainment to a trainer or staff member, a copy of the certificates will be taken and submitted to FiT for verification. FiT will verify the authenticity of the qualification or statement of attainment.

The verified copy of the qualification or statement of attainment is placed in the student’s file. Once verification of the qualification or statement of attainment has been established, FiT staff will inform the student and offer exemption from the relevant unit(s) of competency. Staff will ensure the student is aware of and understands what component(s) of their training and assessment are affected.

FiT staff will update the student’s records accordingly.

Credit transfer

Credit transfer refers to the transferal of academic credit obtained by students through participation in courses or national training package qualifications with other RTOs, towards a qualification offered by FiT. Credit transfer is granted on the basis that the credit validates the student’s competency within the relevant qualification/unit of competence. Credit transfer of a qualification/unit of competence is available to all students enrolling in any training program offered by FiT.

Unique Student Identifier

The Unique Student Identifier (USI) scheme, enabled by the Student Identifiers Act 2014, allows students to access a single online record of their VET achievements. The scheme also allows for reliable confirmation of these achievements by employers and other RTOs. The online system provides each student with a USI.

The USI scheme will provide a national online authenticated record of student’s training attainment and will serve as a building block for a range of vocational education and training reforms. Over time, the ability of students to access and share their training records will make enrolment processes more efficient for training providers and students. Training providers will have access to an online information source to manage student transfers between training providers, and the assessment of credit transfer and prerequisites.

FiT will only issue a qualification or statement of attainment to a student after the student has provided a verified USI or FiT applies for a USI on behalf of the student. To avoid any delays in issuing certification documentation FiT will ensure that student’s USIs are applied for or verified USI at the time of enrolment.

FiT will protect the security of all information related to USIs. Security measures are in place to protect both digital and hard-copy records from loss, damage or unauthorised access. FiT stores paper-based records in locked cabinets. Digital records are backed up on a Cloud system. All AQF certification documentation issued by FiT is kept for 30 years. Where a qualification or statement of attainment is recorded in the USI scheme, FiT does not retain additional records to demonstrate this because the required records will exist within the USI scheme.

When reporting data about the training, each record of nationally recognised training that is provided to the national centre for vocational education research (NCVER) national VET provider collection will have a USI attached. This USI will be able to be used to draw down on this data collection in real-time. This means that, in the future, students will be able to draw down a record of their VET achievements from one place. They can view this online or they can use the data to develop a transcript that they can attach to a job application, for example.

The USI will be increasingly useful for FiT when as the data builds, FiT (with the student’s permission) will be able to draw down information about that student’s previous VET attainments throughout Australia. This will assist with assessing student’s admission to courses, for credit transfer and in some circumstances, their eligibility for funding.

More information is available from the Department of Industry’s website where a comprehensive video outlines the USI scheme for FiT staff.