FiT has implemented a record management system that ensures that all students have access to accurate information regarding their learning in a timely fashion. To ensure this, employees are informed of their responsibilities for record-keeping and the process is monitored through the continuous improvement process and improved where necessary. This section outlines the data management procedures that support this records management system.

Access to student records

Access to individual student training records will be limited to those required by the Standards for RTOs 2015, such as:

  • Trainers and assessors to access and update the records of the students whom they are working
  • Management staff as required to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the
  • Officers of ASQA or their representatives for activities required under the Standards for RTO’s 2015.

FiT trainers and assessors will maintain accurate and current records of each student’s progress and achievement of competencies in the area of their study. These records will be entered on the FiT database system during training and assessment or immediately at the completion of training and assessment.

As students complete each competency, the trainer or assessor will check the achievements against the relevant qualification packaging rules and sign off successfully completed competencies.

All details of full or partially completed competencies will be recorded and stored on the student’s file.

Upon completion of all relevant competencies within a qualification, the student will be entitled to receiving the full qualification. The certificate and academic record and / or statement of attainment will be produced and signed by FIT management, trainer and / or assessor, and presented to the student.

A scanned electronic copy of all signed qualifications issued will be converted to PDF format and secured in the student’s file.