Fees paid in advance

FiT does not collect students fees in advance, therefore complying with Clauses 5.1-5.3 and 7.3 of the Standards for RTO’s 2015. A deposit for the course fee is required from each student which is paid into FiT’s account.

Program payments

A FiT receipt will be issued for all payments received.

Accounting software is utilised to record deposits, pre-enrolment payments and course pre-payments.

Payment plans

Payment plans entered into with FiT for payment of courses must be paid as per the Direct Debit Agreement. The course qualification will not be issued until full payment has been made, and should the student default on the payment plan, FiT reserve the right to pass on the debt to a debt collection agency to pursue. A credit default may be issued by the debt collection agency should the debt remain unpaid.

Fee Conditions

Students are required to agree to confirm full payment of their purchase regardless of early completion or withdrawal from the scheduled program.